The Robert Mackay Clan

Bi Tren!


Bi Treun!


Cùimhnichibh air na daoine bho'n d'thàinig sibh


Celebrating our Appalachian heritage.

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* * * Welcome to the official website of The Robert Mackay Clan. * * *

This website is divided into two main parts.

The first part of the website is it's primary focus and deals with three main families and other families that intermarried with them. Our message boards and chat room are also found here.

The second part of the website deals with general information either on the Clan Mackay itself or different aspects of Scottish Gaelic and Highland culture or general information surrounding the areas where some of our families settled as well Civil War information and other links that visitors may be interested in. Some info. on our ancestors may be found here but the focus in these areas isn't directly on the families themselves as it is in the first part.

Below the Celtic Bar image are some special website extras for your enjoyment.

If you are aware of any website which could be linked to any of the sections within this website please let me know and I'll add the link to the appropriate section.

This website utilises Southern orthography wherever possible.

(Webmaster's note: This website is best viewed using the 'medium' text size in the 'View' section of your browser's pulldown menu bar.)

Our Youtube & Soundcloud channels and webmaster's social media:

Let's make a playlist together. Join to add videos by clicking on this link: Robert Mackay Clan Collaboration Videos
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Visit the webmaster's other family websites:

Maverick's Corner
Jenkins & Entsminger and related families

Searching for American Indian Ancestors
Keiter & Mowrey and related families
Brock, Carter, Evers and related families

Links to the major sections of this website:

McKay Side
Steer (Robinson) Side

* Robert Mackay Clan Links and Information *
Information on Robert Mackay Sr.'s & other related families found here as well as forthcoming family reunion information when available. Also, details on our family newsletter found here.

* The Steer Genealogy *
Information on the Isaac Steer & other related families found here.

The Bethel Memorial, Incorporated
Information on the Jacob Sowers & other related families found here plus information about Old Bethel Church and it's various activities when available. Also, details on joining The Bethel Memorial, Incorporated found here.

The Ferguson Family of Paris, Fauquier County, Virginia
Information on Ferguson, Marshall, Strother & other related families found here.

Partial Genealogy Records
The genealogy records which connect people whose wills and/or photos are displayed in the above three sections.

Quaker Meetings in the Lower Shenandoah Valley and elsewhere
Information on different Meetings (both active & discontinued) in the northern Shenandoah Valley and a few other locations that many of our ancestors worshipped in and were buried in their adjoining burial grounds.

Message Boards
Please feel free to post your thoughts, comments, questions, answers, etc. here for others to view and/or respond to. A Chat Room is also available here for live communication. CLOSED!!! No longer accepting messages!!! All Posts are now archived and read only.
Website Timeline

Links to the more general sections of this website:

Historical and Genealogical Societies & Resources

The Clan Mackay
(Chlann Aoidh) or (Caoidhich)

Suas leis a' Ghàidhlig
Up with the Gaelic. The original language of the Clan Mackay.

Other Websites of General Interest to People

Civil War Links
Links to Civil War related websites found here.

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Webrings, Lists & Awards
Click here to see all of the webrings & site lists we're part of as well as awards we've gotten.

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